By default, services in Zenbooker are set to be bookable, allowing customers to select a service, pick an available time slot, and confirm their booking instantly. However, some services may require more information before a booking can be confirmed.
With Booking Requests, you can allow customers to:
Provide detailed service and job information
Select their preferred dates and times
Submit their request with contact details
Instead of creating a confirmed job, a request is generated for you to look over and respond to.
When a customer selects a service that is set to Booking Request, they'll choose multiple dates/times that work for them
Booking Requests
Collects all the same details as a regular booking
Customers submit preferred dates and times
Option to collect payment details
Allows you to convert it into a job by confirming one of the preferred times or scheduling it for another time
Use Cases:
Businesses that want to offer the convenience of online booking while retaining flexibility over the final scheduling of those bookings
When availability is subject to change
Services requiring approval or preparation
Quote Requests
Customers provide service and contact details
By default, does not collect full-service address (can be enabled in settings)
By default, does not collect preferred dates (can be enabled in settings)
Allows you to respond by sending a bookable estimate to the customer
Making a Service Requestable
From the Zenbooker admin, go to Services
Click on the service you want to make requestable
Under Service Details > Booking page behavior. Choose either:
Booking Request for Booking Requests
Quote Request for Quote Requests
Click Save
Configuring Requests
You can customize how requests are explained in the booking flow and what customers need to do to submit a request by going to Settings > Booking & Quote Requests from your dashboard.
Booking request options: You can choose whether customers should select specific times or just dates. You can also adjust the minimum number of dates/times customers must select to submit a request.
Good to know: The dates and times presented to customers are the same available times that would be shown if the customer were booking instead of making a request. Therefore, customers won't be able to select times that are unavailable based on your scheduling rules.
Quote request options: Customers will be prompted to select any service modifiers and answer any intake questions required of the service for which they request a quote. Customers will also be asked for their contact info so they can submit their quote request.
You can optionally choose to:
Require customers to provide their service address as part of the quote request process.
Require customers to select preferred dates and times as part of the quote request process. If required, the minimum number of dates/times needed will be what you set for booking requests.
Request display settings: Customize how you explain to customers that they're submitting a quote or booking request when they select a requestable service.
Set the custom explainer message for booking and quote requests to share details about typical response times or what customers can expect after submitting their request.
Customizing the Booking Form for Requests
To edit the text displayed when a customer is selecting their preferred dates, go to Online Booking > Content and Messages > Scheduling Request Page
You can also edit certain sections of your booking page text for those submitting a booking and quote request.
You can set different text for different booking flows for the following sections of the booking page:
Contact Info
Payment & Contact Info
Confirmation Message