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Recurring Bookings Overview

An introduction into how recurring bookings work in Zenbooker, how to create them, and how to edit them.

Updated over a week ago

Recurring Bookings allow you to create appointments that will repeat periodically for a selected service.

You can create recurring bookings when scheduling jobs from the admin portal, and as well by customers via your booking page if recurring options are set up for the service they are booking.

To let customers schedule recurring bookings online, you must first add the recurring options to each service you'd like to be eligible for recurring bookings. 

How Recurring Bookings Work

By default. when you or a customer books a new recurring appointment, Zenbooker will automatically create the first four jobs in the recurring series, and add them to your schedule. Zenbooker will also automatically create new jobs for the recurring booking as time goes on.

You can change how many initial jobs in a recurring series should be created automatically. For example, if you set it to 8 jobs, then Zenbooker will automatically create the first eight jobs in a recurring booking when it's first scheduled and then create the next job (9th) around the start time of the first. You can change this in Settings > Rescheduling & Cancellation, using the dropdown under How many upcoming jobs in a recurring series should be automatically scheduled?

Changing this setting will cause it to be applied to any new recurring bookings that are created. Existing recurring bookings will automatically have additional jobs created to conform to this setting gradually when their next scheduled job creation event occurs on the backend.

Each job in a recurring booking can be edited, rescheduled, changed, or assigned to staff members individually without those changes affecting the other jobs in the Recurring Booking.

You can also make changes to the recurring booking event itself, which will then be automatically applied to all future jobs in the recurring series.

Managing Recurring Bookings 

To manage a recurring booking, go to your Zenbooker dashboard on a computer (currently, recurring bookings can't be managed from the mobile Zenbooker dashboard), and click on Recurring from the side menu.

You'll be able to see all your recurring bookings and filter by Active and Canceled.

Click on a recurring booking to view details about it. To make changes to a recurring booking, you can just click on the section you want to change. 

IMPORTANT: Editing a recurring booking will apply those changes to all upcoming jobs in that recurring booking (except jobs that have been canceled or marked complete), and will overwrite any individual changes you've made to a single job in the recurring booking series.

Managing Individual Jobs

To view all currently scheduled jobs that are part of a recurring booking, scroll down to the Jobs section. You can click on an individual job if you want to make changes to just that job in the series.

You can also tell a job is part of a recurring booking whenever you see the recurring icon next to the job.

Hovering over the icon will provide a summary of how often it repeats

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